Why Do Christians Emphasize Hell Instead of Not Being with God in Heaven?

Some critics of Christianity ask why Christians place such emphasis on hell rather than focusing only on the positive aspect of eternal union with God. In essence, the question is whether Christians give insufficient attention to not being excluded from heaven and highlighting hell instead. The answer is quite complex but centers primarily upon biblical contexts and subsequent practical implications concerning Christian faith in everyday life. Before diving into the details, though, let's define key concepts....

March 4, 2024 · 4 min

What Does Jesus Teach Us about God's End-Times Plan?

Perhaps no other topic invites so much speculation and debate as the issue of when Christ will return in glory and establish His kingdom on earth (commonly referred to as “end times”). A plethora of views on this subject exist, ranging from optimistic predictions of exact dates to skepticism regarding the possibility or significance of Christ’s second coming altogether. In order to understand Jesus' teachings regarding end times, it is crucial to view them within their original context; that is to say, we should look at His pronouncements during His time on earth while accounting for historical events and cultural practices prevalent during those days....

March 3, 2024 · 5 min

Why the Church Should Take Responsibility for Its Liberties and Freedoms

In America, as in many other countries where religious liberty is enshrined in law or practice, there remains a kind of tension between government—particularly those actors charged with upholding secular laws—and religious bodies. While the tensions can manifest themselves in different ways (e.g., funding disputes between faith-based schools and their local authorities), one primary area of conflict seems to hinge upon how religious bodies understand their own responsibilities for both preserving their own liberties and freedoms while not encroaching on those same liberties for others....

March 2, 2024 · 4 min

How to Actually Treat Other Believers Like Family

As believers, God calls us to be different in how we treat one another. We are not bound by strict hierarchy or status; rather, the Bible teaches us to be a tight-knit community where we relate to each other as family members. This article discusses practical ways to apply Christian love toward fellow believers, building a strong and healthy church body. Share Your Life Together Fostering close relationships within the Christian community requires intentionality....

March 1, 2024 · 4 min

Why Pastors Struggle to Ask for Help (And How to Get Past It)

As a pastor, I know firsthand how difficult it can be at times to ask for help when facing challenges. Whether it's due to pride, fear of weakness, or a belief that pastoral roles entail managing all problems independently, the hesitation is real. However, as leaders who serve their communities spiritually and emotionally, we must overcome this reluctance and learn to ask for assistance. This article explores some common reasons behind pastors' reluctance to seek help and offers practical ways to move beyond those obstacles....

February 29, 2024 · 3 min

Why People Are Losing Their Religion (and How the Church Can Respond)

In recent years, we have seen a growing decline in religious affiliation across multiple regions. According to surveys conducted by Pew Research Center, the global percentage of people who identify as Christian has dropped from 86% in 1900 to just under three-quarters in 2010.^{[1]} This trend is also evident among younger generations with Millennials demonstrating a striking departure from their parents and grandparents’ religiosity levels. In the United States alone, only 39% of young adults aged 18–23 belong to any religion—a significant drop when compared with figures for older generations....

February 28, 2024 · 7 min

The Good and the Bad of Christian Fundamentalism

Fundamentalism is a religious movement within Christianity that insists upon a highly literal interpretation of scripture. While there are many denominations within the Christian tradition, Christian Fundamentalism in particular has some unique characteristics that define it as a subcategory of conservative Protestantism. Some aspects of fundamentalist views can be beneficial, while others have negative effects both for its adherents and society at large. As with any deeply held belief system, understanding these elements can illuminate why people choose to align themselves with fundamentalism and help the dialogue between varying groups....

February 27, 2024 · 4 min