It might seem counterintuitive that Christians could be bad at one of the primary tenets of their faith: kindness. However, being a follower of Christ doesn't always equate to perfect behavior or virtuous actions. The reasons why Christians might struggle in being kind are numerous but often stem from misunderstanding God’s grace and love for humanity. In this article, we will explore these underlying factors while acknowledging how Christians can strive to improve their kindness towards others.

Misunderstanding Grace and Love

One significant reason why Christians may have trouble exhibiting kindness is due to misinterpreting grace and love as presented in Scripture. Grace refers to God’s unmerited favor upon humankind through Jesus Christ, while love stands for God’s selfless affection shown through giving His Son so everyone could be saved from sin.

However, some Christians mistakenly view God’s grace as a license to ignore personal responsibility for ethical conduct - leading them into complacency about their behavior. Meanwhile, understanding love predominantly as an emotion rather than an action may discourage proactive benevolence towards others. This skewed perception of biblical doctrines undermines the importance of actively practicing kindness both within faith communities and broader society.

Historical Negative Associations with Christianities

Throughout history, Christianity has been wrongfully associated with acts of intolerance and violence perpetrated by followers claiming religious motivation. Such events give rise to negative stereotypes damaging perceptions of modern Christians who genuinely strive for kindness. Consequently, many Christians struggle against these ingrained prejudices when seeking ways to demonstrate compassion effectively.

Prevailing Focus on Personal Salvation Over Social Justice

In evangelical circles particularly, emphasis is predominantly placed on individual salvation rather than fostering social justice initiatives aimed at combating systemic issues plaguing societies worldwide. As a result, some Christians may not see themselves responsible for addressing societal problems directly, resulting in a lack of concern for bettering their surroundings through kind actions. It becomes crucial for believers to recognize their duty beyond merely securing personal redemption but also contributing positively towards making communities better places for all.

Fear and Judgement

Christians sometimes hold apprehensions regarding interacting with people outside their faith circle out of fear or prejudice towards perceived 'immoral living.' This leads them to isolate themselves from those they feel uncomfortable engaging with, thereby reducing opportunities for practicing kindness inclusively across diverse populations. Furthermore, some Christians judge others harshly instead of embracing grace offered by God, which fuels their reluctance towards being kind. Overcoming judgmental mindsets requires cultivating open-mindedness coupled with empathetic understanding.

Ignorance of Needs in Society

Sometimes, Christians simply fail to appreciate the nuances of societal needs around them—an issue related more broadly to apathy than direct animosity towards compassion. They might overlook opportunities to show kindness because they don't fully grasp the challenges faced by others or lose sight of how their actions can make a difference. Engaging with people meaningfully within communities helps Christians understand current needs better and respond appropriately.


Despite inherent teachings promoting kindness as central values in Christianity, various factors can hinder Christians from practicing it wholeheartedly. Misconstrued theology diminishing responsibility for ethical behavior, historical stains cast upon the faith community clouding contemporary perspectives, overemphasis on personal salvation neglecting social justice pursuits, fearful responses leading to isolationism or prejudged assessments restricting compassionate interactions - all contribute to challenges faced by Christians attempting to embrace kindness effectively. Addressing these concerns requires ongoing self-examination alongside collective efforts towards increased understanding, empathy, engagement, and fostering social consciousness embedded within Christian principles. When achieved synergistically, these improvements would enhance both individual lives as well as benefit society at large.